Learn from Dr. Becky Winslow

Click on the following links to watch Dr. Winslow's Thermo Fisher Scientific sponsored webinars:

Key Financial Viability Considerations for Laboratorians Considering Bringing Clinical Pharmacogenomics (PGx) Testing into the Laboratory

Laboratories use the same laboratory equipment they invested in for COVID testing to perform PGx testing. With COVID testing reimbursement dropping, many laboratorians are considering implementing PGx testing. PGx test panel design and test utilization that align with payers’ medical necessity definitions are key to pharmacogenomics laboratories’ financial viability and sustainability. Payers currently recognize some clinical pharmacogenomic (PGx) testing has sufficient clinical utility evidence to justify their coverage and reimbursement for their patient populations and as such have existing coverage and reimbursement and billing and coding guidelines. For the purposes of this webinar, Dr. Winslow will focus on laboratories’ optimizing PGx test panel design and utilization based on payers’ existing coverage and reimbursement guidelines for pharmacogenetic associations that are related to drug metabolizing enzyme gene variants, drug transporter gene variants, and gene variants that predispose a patient to certain adverse events and drug efficacy.
Learning Objectives:
  • Make educated financial decisions when considering implementing clinical PGx testing in the laboratory.
  • Differentiate between implementing a clinical PGx test for which CPT codes and payers’ policies exist and implementing one for which CPT codes and payer policies do not yet exist in terms of time from test implementation to reimbursement.
  • Describe how to optimize PGx test panel design and utilization using payers’ existing coverage and reimbursement guidelines to positively impact the PGx laboratory’s profits and losses.


Ensuring the Clinical Utility of Pharmacogenomic Tests | Technology Networks


Pharmacogenomic testing uses a patient’s genome to identify their response to a drug, forming a key part of personalized medicine. Hundreds of clinical pharmacogenomics (PGx) tests are currently available on the market in the United States. With so many tests available, how can you determine that a test is clinically and analytically valid and holds clinical utility?

In this webinar, Dr. Winslow will outline the ACCE Model Project Framework as a tool for evaluating pharmacogenomic tests, describing the key considerations to take into account when implementing these tests. You’ll learn how to select the genetic variants to be tested, choose the appropriate genotyping technology and develop laboratory procedures for sample processing and data analysis.

Learning Objectives:

  • Explain the ACCE Model Project Framework for evaluating genetic tests, specific to PGx tests
  • Define analytical and clinical validity and clinical utility and their importance to pharmacogenetic testing stakeholders
  • Discuss key considerations laboratorians need to ponder when implementing a PGx test that meets ACCE standards
  • Name real-world clinical PGx tests that have earned pharmacogenomics experts’ approval for their validity and utility

Learn more from Dr. Becky Winslow by following her and inGENEious RX Incorporated.